Avoid nominalizations (hidden verbs)


Step 1: Click Next button to show the guideline or "Before" example.
Step 2: Click Next button again to show the explanation or
"After" Plain English revision; Repeat Steps 1 and 2.
failure to make proof of servicefailure to prove service
before the expiration of the period originally prescribedbefore the original time ... expires
upon any change in the information that the statement requiresif any required information changes
maintaining a defense on the meritsdefending on the merits
if a certification is made in violation of the ruleif a certification violates this rule
before completion of the depositionbefore the deposition is completed
for failure of the plaintiff to prosecuteif the plaintiff fails to prosecute
give testimonytestify


Read the notes on the Plain Language revisions to the US Federal Rules of Court:

Michigan Bar Journal articles by Prof. Joseph Kimble:

A Drafting Example from the Proposed New Federal Rules of Evidence (August 2009)
Another Example from the Proposed New Federal Rules of Evidence (September 2009)
Still Another Example from the Proposed New Federal Rules of Evidence (October 2009)
One Last Example from the Proposed New Federal Rules of Evidence (November 2009)

Guiding Principles for Restyling the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Part 1) September 2005
Guiding Principles for Restyling the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Part 2) October 2005

Guidelines for Drafting and Editing Court Rules by Bryan A. Garner

Exercises created by Atty. Gerry T. Galacio based on copyrighted materials available on the Internet. You can use these exercises only on a personal and non-commercial basis; you must not upload them to any website or the cloud. For comments, questions, or corrections, email gtgalacio@yahoo.com


Exercises created with freeware Hot Potatoes v. 6.3 from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.


Plain Language, Plain English or Plain Writing for government offices, private companies, schools, and organizations — overview, definitions, benefits, and guidelines (external link); for free seminars, email gtgalacio@yahoo.com or text 0927-798-3138


Better English resources and exercises (free resources on grammar, pronunciation, spelling, writing, vocabulary, idioms, reading comprehension, public speaking, etc.)

Be a better writer or editor through StyleWriter 4: this software checks 10,000 words in 12 seconds for hundreds of style and English usage issues like wordy and complex sentences, passive voice, nominalization, jargon, clichés, readability, spelling, etc. StyleWriter 4 has a graded 200,000 word and phrase dictionary, covering most of the words you will ever use in writing.


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